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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
16:36, June 17, 2005 Nicolai-do 21Oct02.jpg (file) 107 KB Holy Resurrection Cathedral (Tokyo, Japan) 2002 1
16:42, June 17, 2005 Nicolai-do orig1891.jpg (file) 70 KB Holy Resurrection Cathedral (Tokyo, Japan) 1891 1
16:45, June 17, 2005 Nikolai-do-earthquake 1923.jpg (file) 98 KB Holy Resurrection Cathedral (Tokyo, Japan) 1923 Kanto 'quake 1
16:48, June 17, 2005 Nicolai-do-1930s.jpg (file) 42 KB Holy Resurrection Cathedral (Tokyo, Japan) re-built c1930 1
01:09, June 22, 2005 Met Sergius(port).jpg (file) 19 KB {{pd}} 1
20:56, July 8, 2005 Victor Pokr-c1927.jpg (file) 25 KB {{pd}} 1
21:04, July 8, 2005 VPokrovsky c1925.jpg (file) 10 KB {{pd}} 1
20:58, July 22, 2005 Bishop Adronik Kyoto.jpg (file) 71 KB {{pd}} 1
18:51, September 12, 2005 JakovTikhai.jpg (file) 20 KB {{pd}} 1
19:01, September 12, 2005     0 bytes {{pd}} 1
19:06, September 12, 2005 PavelSawabe.jpg (file) 28 KB Added picture 1
20:04, January 22, 2006 St Nicholas Wash DC1.jpg (file) 152 KB St Nicholas Cathedral - Washington, DC {{wsk}} 1
22:15, May 6, 2006 Chalice.jpg (file) 74 KB {{Template:Wsk}} Courtesy St Nicholas Cathedral Washington DC 1
22:19, May 6, 2006 Discos with star.jpg (file) 48 KB {{Template:Wsk}} Courtesy St Nicholas Cathedral Washington DC 1
22:22, May 6, 2006 Discos Chalice.jpg (file) 94 KB {{Template:Wsk}} Courtesy St Nicholas Cathedral Washington DC 1
22:23, May 6, 2006 Covered Vessels 2.jpg (file) 79 KB {{Template:Wsk}} Courtesy St Nicholas Cathedral Washington DC 1
01:20, May 22, 2006 Aer on a Chalice and Discos.jpg (file) 27 KB {{Template:Wsk}} Thanks to Father Constantine White, Dean of St Nicholas Cathedral, Washington, DC, for allowing this photograph to be taken. Category: Liturgical Items 1
01:26, June 29, 2006 StNickDCBellTower.jpg (file) 57 KB Bell Tower at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Washington, DC 1
23:41, August 26, 2006 NicolaidoConse-Choir.jpg (file) 115 KB Nicolai-do Reconsecration, 15 Dec 1929 - Cathedral Choir in procession under Victor Pokrovsky - director 1
13:31, October 24, 2006 Harbin Church.jpg (file) 160 KB {{pd}} St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Harbin, China, founded in 1894. Present status unknown. Category: Wsk Images Category: Images of Churches 1
00:44, January 22, 2007 Candelabra.jpg (file) 84 KB {{gfdl}} Category:Wsk Images Category:Liturgical Items 1
19:54, January 27, 2007 MetSergiusJapanGrave.jpg (file) 12 KB {{gfdl}} Thanks to Larisa Looby (nee Pokrovsky) for permission to use this photograph. This is the grave of Metropolitan Sergius of Japan at the Yanaka Cemetery in Tokyo, Japan. 1
19:57, January 27, 2007 StNicholasJapanGrave.jpg (file) 11 KB {{gfdl}} Thanks to Larisa Looby (nee Pokrovsky) for permission to use this photograph. This is the grave of Saint Nicholas of Japan at the Yanaka Cemetery in Tokyo, Japan. Category: Wsk Images 1
19:59, January 27, 2007 MetThoedosiusJapanGrave.jpg (file) 11 KB {{gfdl}} Thanks to Larisa Looby (nee Pokrovsky) for permission to use this photograph. This is the grave of Metropolitan Theodosius of Japan at the Yanaka Cemetery in Tokyo, Japan. Category: Wsk Images 1
14:48, November 2, 2007 St. Sophia Los Angeles.jpg (file) 79 KB St. Sophia Cathedral in Los Angeles, California (taken by William S. Kosar, 20 October 2007) 1
22:34, November 23, 2007 St Nick DC Altar.jpg (file) 469 KB Altar and iconostasis of St Nicholas Cathedral in Washington D.C. Thanks to Apollo J. Manchuk for permission to use this photograph. 1
19:44, December 30, 2007 BillKosarFrNicolaiLydiaNicolaido29Oct02.jpg (file) 271 KB My wife and I visiting Tokyo's Holy Resurrection Cathedral (Nicolai-do) with Fr. Nicolai of the Cathedral staff. Wsk Category: Wsk Images 1
20:07, March 16, 2008 St John Theologian Grave.jpg (file) 76 KB This is the grave site of St John the Theologian among the church at Ephesus that was dedicated to him. 1
16:15, June 4, 2008 DanilovFrsCouncils.jpg (file) 77 KB Taken during a tour visit in July 1988 Category: GFDL Images Category: Wsk Images Category: Monastery Images 2
16:22, June 4, 2008 DanilovMonGateTower.jpg (file) 242 KB Taken during a tour visit to Danilov Monastery in July 1988 Category: Wsk Images Category: GFDL Images Category: Monastery Images 1
16:25, June 4, 2008 DanilovWhiteHouseMoscow.jpg (file) 313 KB Taken in 1988 during a tour visit to Danilov Monastery Category: Wsk Images Category: GFDL Images Category: Monastery Images 1
23:50, June 18, 2008 Lydia Martyr.jpg (file) 123 KB This icon card was sent to my wife, Lydia, shortly after she was born by her great uncle who had gone to St Panteleimon Monastery at Mount Athos to get an education and remained there for the rest of his life. The text on the back of the icon which is a d 1
17:56, July 13, 2008 Monastery-from-white-sea-wp-gfdl-400.jpg (file) 33 KB A GFDL file from Article entitled : Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki The picture is a scene of Solovetsky Monastery taken from the White Sea Category: GFDL Images 2
18:51, July 14, 2008 SviyazhskIslandNear97.jpg (file) 50 KB Sviyazhsk Island and Village - The first Christian town in the lands of Kazan - picture taken July 1997. The island is in the reservoir of the flooded Volga River, 1955. Category: GFDL Images Category: Wsk Images 1
19:21, July 14, 2008 AllSorrowCathJohnFornnrMo97.jpg (file) 57 KB The interior of The Cathedral in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Joy of All the Sorrowful" taken in July 1997. The cathedral is located in the Convent of St. John the Forerunner on Sviyazhsk Island near Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia. [[Category: G 1
19:31, July 14, 2008 MonJohnFor'erSviya97.jpg (file) 61 KB Convent of St. John the Forerunner, looking from Dormition Monastery, Sviyazhsk Island, Diocese of Kazan. Category: GFDL Images Category: Monastery Images. 1
19:56, July 14, 2008 DormitionCathDormMon97Sviya.jpg (file) 51 KB Cathedral of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos at Dormition Monastery. Photograph was taken in July 1997. Category: GFDL Images Category: Monastery Images 1
20:04, July 14, 2008 SNicholasDormMonSviya97.jpg (file) 61 KB Church of St. Nicholas (1556), Dormition Monastery, Diocese of Kazan Category: GFDL Images Category: Monastery Images Category: Wsk Images 1
21:02, August 23, 2008 Sergei+Nestor.JPG (file) 62 KB Archbishops Sergei of Japan and Nestor of Kamachatka during the re-consecration of Nicolai-do (Holy Resurrection Cathedral) in Tokyo, Japan on December 15,1929 Category: Wsk Images 1
18:59, August 31, 2008 Edmundbeingmartyred.jpg (file) 23 KB An illumination from a medieval manuscript. Category: Icons Category: Holy England 1
22:14, September 29, 2008 Nicholas (Ono) Bp of Japan.jpg (file) 8 KB Photograph is from <<>> (entitled Nicholas (Ono), having been provided to that site by Bishop Seraphim of Sendai. It is believed to be in the public domain. 1
19:13, October 11, 2008 Uspenski Cathedral Helsinki.jpg (file) 123 KB Image of Uspenski (Uspensky) Cathedral in Helsinki, Finland taken by me 6/06. All rights are released into the public domain. WikipediaCommons User: InvictaHOG. Category: Images of Churches Category: Churches in Finland 1
19:39, October 11, 2008 Saint Isaacs Cathedral St Petersburg.jpg (file) 12 KB Saint Isaac's Cathedral photograph by Evgeny Gerashchenko. WikipediaCommons User:Geevee/S. Category: Images of Churches Category: Churches in Russia 1
22:40, January 16, 2009 Meletius-harbin.jpg (file) 16 KB Meletius (Zaborovsky): Metropolitan of Harbin and Manchuria - 1931 to 1946 1
18:40, January 19, 2009 MitrophanJiJul1882.jpg (file) 9 KB Photo from 1882 All Japan Council photo of Fr Mitrophan Ji, first Chinese priest, ordained before the Council on June 29, 1882. Martyred during the Boxer uprising in 1900. Category:Photos of Saints 1
18:49, January 19, 2009 NikolaiJapan188207.jpg (file) 25 KB Bp Nicholas of Japan: from group picture of 1882 All Japan Council Category:Images of Hierarchs Category:Japanese Orthodox Images Category:Photos of Saints 1
01:09, January 21, 2009 JapancouncilJul1882.jpg (file) 595 KB All Japan Council of July 1882 - participants. Also includes Bp Nicholas of Japan, Archim Flavian head of Beijing Russian Orthodox mission, Fr Mitrophan Ji first Chinese priest ordained by Bp Nicholas on Jun 29,1882. Category: Japanese Church Images 2
19:26, January 22, 2009 FlavianArchim188207.jpg (file) 23 KB Metropolitan Flavian (Gorodetsky) of Kiev and Galich as an archimandrite attending the 1882 All Japan Church Council under Bp. Nicholas of Japan before which Bishop Nicholas had ordained the first Chinese, Mitrophan Ji, as a priest of the Orthodox Church 1
22:58, February 27, 2009 Chapel-FortRoss 1953.jpg (file) 1.02 MB Holy Trinity Chapel at Fort Ross, California (picture taken 1953) Category:USA Churches Category:wsk Images 1
16:47, March 9, 2009 Anthony-vadkovsky.jpg (file) 36 KB Metropolitan Anthony (Vadkovsky) of St. Petersburg and Ladoga 1898 to 1912 1
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