no edit summary
Redearea tip flash dinamic,flash aparent tip psd, de tranzit cu link legătură vagon.........şi de aici preferinţa aparţine ademistratorului şi echipei ortodox Wiki.Cu respect, îmi sunteţi dragi. Şi dacă nu aveţi niciun antisemit în cameră. Vă urez ŞALOM U'VRAHA! pace şi Binecuvântare .Amin
== Allow PDFs to be uploaded ==
I am not very sure if it's within the scope of OrthodoxWiki to maintain such files, but I think commonsorthodoxwiki could support the upload of PDF files, like church pamphlets, letters or prayers that are not available anywhere else on the internet. [[User:EGobi|EGobi]] ([[User talk:EGobi|talk]]) 23:49, February 10, 2019 (UTC)