== Image History == Created from a [http://libre.redjar.org/maps/data/boundary/united_states/contig_us_utm_zone_14_600px.png .png file] from the [http://libre.redjar.org/maps/data/boundary/ Libre Map Project]. The states were then colored using Adobe Pho
== Image History ==
Created from a [http://libre.redjar.org/maps/data/boundary/united_states/contig_us_utm_zone_14_600px.png .png file] from the [http://libre.redjar.org/maps/data/boundary/ Libre Map Project]. The states were then colored using Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition.
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Created from a [http://libre.redjar.org/maps/data/boundary/united_states/contig_us_utm_zone_14_600px.png .png file] from the [http://libre.redjar.org/maps/data/boundary/ Libre Map Project]. The states were then colored using Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition.
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