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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
18:50, June 21, 2008 Lestovka.jpg (file) 116 KB Old-Believers' prayer rope, made in the last quarter of the 19th century by elderly hermits. 1
02:53, February 19, 2008 Ss. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene.jpg (file) 15 KB Ss. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene 1
22:32, February 15, 2008 Epimanikia.jpg (file) 181 KB An example of a set of epimanikia. 1
22:16, February 15, 2008 Phelonion-front.jpg (file) 220 KB An example of the front of a phelonion. 1
22:15, February 15, 2008 Phelonion-back.jpg (file) 217 KB An example of the back of a phelonion. 1
22:13, February 15, 2008 Zone.jpg (file) 334 KB An example of a zone or belt. 1
22:10, February 15, 2008 VirgilPetrişorAndronache.jpg (file) 479 KB The newly ordained Fr. Peter at St. Paul Church in Savannah, GA. Category:User Images 2
21:41, January 7, 2008 Dimitrios (Couchell) of Xanthos.jpg (file) 52 KB His Grace allowed me to take this picture and to post it on OrthodoxWiki. Category:Images of Hierarchs 1
04:15, November 28, 2007 Antimins.jpg (file) 51 KB Сръбски антиминс от 16 век на патриарх Арсений III. {{cc by-sa}} {{gfdl}} Category:Liturgical Items 1
01:37, August 18, 2007 Teodora Sihla icon.jpg (file) 473 KB An icon of St. Teodora of Sihla outside her hermit's cave in the mountains by the Sihla Skete, Neamṭ, Romania. July 23, 2007. 1
14:26, January 27, 2006 Sabbas.jpg (file) 13 KB {{}} by the hand of Nun Kassiane 1
17:16, January 5, 2006 Apostle Silas.jpg (file) 14 KB {{}} 1
17:13, December 21, 2005 Apostle Bartholomew.jpg (file) 43 KB {{}} 1
18:24, December 15, 2005 Symeon the New Theologian.jpg (file) 17 KB {{htm}} 1
20:49, December 14, 2005 Jerome.jpg (file) 18 KB {{}} 1
19:25, November 25, 2005 Banner glory.jpg (file) 13 KB {{OWiki}} 1
18:11, November 25, 2005 Link button OW.jpg (file) 2 KB Please see OrthodoxWiki:Link_buttons for an overview of OrthodoxWiki link buttons and details on linking to OrthodoxWiki. {{OWiki}} 1
19:32, October 23, 2005 DEOWlogo2.png (file) 14 KB   1
19:32, October 23, 2005 DEOWlogo1.png (file) 18 KB   1
20:43, October 5, 2005 Dionysius the Areopagite.jpg (file) 18 KB {{}} 1
22:35, August 28, 2005 Andrew the First-Called.jpg (file) 16 KB {{}} 1
16:00, August 25, 2005 Thekla the Protomartyr.jpg (file) 20 KB {{htm}} 1
19:51, August 17, 2005 Gregory the Theologian.jpg (file) 17 KB {{}} 1
19:46, August 9, 2005 John the Theologian.jpg (file) 13 KB {{}} 1
16:47, August 9, 2005 Salome.jpg (file) 13 KB {{}} 1
15:06, August 6, 2005 Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.jpg (file) 27 KB {{htm}} 1
14:44, July 27, 2005 Panteleimon.jpg (file) 15 KB {{}} 1
16:44, July 24, 2005 Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos icon.jpg (file) 78 KB {{htm}} 1
18:29, July 23, 2005 Juvenaly of Alaska.jpg (file) 17 KB {{htm}} 1
22:30, June 20, 2005 Job the Long-Suffering.jpg (file) 18 KB {{htm}} 1
14:21, June 17, 2005 Hilda of Whitby.jpg (file) 84 KB 1
01:35, June 7, 2005 Irene the Great Martyr.jpg (file) 18 KB {{}} 1
02:00, May 20, 2005 Peter and Paul by Kontoglou.jpg (file) 31 KB {{htm}} 1
13:47, May 14, 2005 Isidore of Chios.jpg (file) 91 KB photograph of an icon at home; no identifying information 1
14:32, April 1, 2005 Zosimas and Mary of Egypt.jpg (file) 24 KB {{htm}} 1
14:24, March 29, 2005 John Climacus.jpg (file) 24 KB {{htm}} 1
19:42, March 26, 2005 Matrona.jpg (file) 15 KB {{}} 1
14:43, March 25, 2005 Gabriel.jpg (file) 23 KB {{htm}} 1
19:19, March 18, 2005 Moses the God-seer.jpg (file) 16 KB {{}} 1
19:18, March 17, 2005 Chrysanthus.jpg (file) 14 KB {{}} 1
16:04, March 16, 2005 Alexis the Man of God.jpg (file) 17 KB {{}} 1
15:59, March 16, 2005 Patrick of Ireland.jpg (file) 24 KB {{htm}} 1
14:01, March 14, 2005 Benedict.JPG (file) 14 KB {{}} 1
00:42, March 7, 2005 Aaron.JPG (file) 15 KB {{}} 1
20:22, March 6, 2005 Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste.jpg (file) 32 KB {{htm}} 1
19:49, March 6, 2005 Kursk Root Icon of the Theotokos.jpg (file) 16 KB {{}} 1
00:09, March 4, 2005 Gerasimos of the Jordan.jpg (file) 12 KB {{}} 1
18:43, March 1, 2005 Arsenius of Tver.jpg (file) 15 KB {{}} 1
02:40, February 28, 2005 Eudokia.jpg (file) 17 KB {{}} 1
21:27, February 27, 2005 Anthimus of Nicomedia.jpg (file) 12 KB {{}} 1
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