Revision history of "File:Kolomenskoe Spassky Gate Entrance.hires.jpg"

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

  • (cur | prev) 00:03, May 23, 2007FrJohn (talk | contribs)m . . (840 bytes) (0). . (1 revision(s))
  • (cur | prev) 04:35, November 27, 2005FrJohn (talk | contribs). . (840 bytes) (+840). . (Entrance to Kolomenskoe museum in Moscow, Russia. On the background - the Savior's Gate (Russian: Спасские Ворота), 17th century. Picture taken on 07/09/2003. {{commons}} <!-- Creative Commons License --> {| align="center" border="0" cellp)